Wednesday, April 27, 2011

The Self and Social Interaction

Faith, family and friends. Sounds to me like agents of socialization. These three things are the social groups and institutions that provide structured situations in which socialization occurs. They makes us who we are.
 Schools are one of the agents of socialization that shape us in many different ways. Schools provide a hidden curriculum; they not only teach us reading, writing and math but also give us tools necessary for future success. 

Religion is another important aspect that contributes to socialization. For many people church is a huge part of their lives and they internalize the beliefs and values that it holds.

Peers are another agent of socialization that contribute a great deal to the person that you grow up to be. They have a great influence on you, whether it be good or bad. We tend to share the same beliefs with our peers and begin to surround ourselves with ones that we admire and want to become more alike.

 Charles Cooley used the phrase "looking glass self" to refer to the idea that our self perceptions are based on others' evaluations of us. A grade on a test is an evaluation that could affect the way we view ourselves.

When I write in a journal, I am often reflecting on myself. This conscious reflection is an example of Mead's phases of the self.

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